Get to know the best customer support crew in crypto

Trying something new comes with many questions - especially when it comes to crypto. As a relatively new technology, bitcoin can sometimes be challenging to wrap your head around. As a newcomer to the crypto space, buying bitcoin or another cryptocurrency can be kind of scary because you want to make sure your money is safe.

At Olliv, we take our customer experience very seriously and want you to feel comfortable while buying crypto. That's why we have knowledgeable customer service representatives available 24/7 to take your call and answer any questions you may have.

We know that as a consumer, nothing can make or break your opinion of a company quite like your experience with the customer service department. Unfortunately, good customer service in the crypto space can be hard to come by. Some companies don't list any contact numbers and require you to send an email for assistance which means long wait times for your pressing question.

About Olliv's award-winning customer service

The Olliv crew noticed the lack of good customer service in the industry and set out to do something about it. We offer on-call customer support day and night and promise that a real person will answer the phone, usually within 15 seconds. Our Chicago-based team is knowledgeable on all things crypto and can answer any questions you may have.

Our support team serves thousands of customers across the country by teaching them how to use CoinFlip by Olliv ATMs, assisting with any errors, and explaining how crypto transactions work. Each support team member is a customer service pro with a mastery of all things Olliv - even winning awards for excellent customer service in 2021 and 2022!

I talked to a few of Olliv's support team members to learn more about their love for crypto and their excitement for helping others get started on their crypto journey. Read on to get to know some of crypto’s greatest customer support team!

Get to know Olliv customer support

Cy L. -

What excites you most about working in crypto?

The profit is definitely exciting in crypto, but it's kind of nerve-wracking when things go red. I like seeing the crypto go up and become usable to purchase things in the future like cars and planes.

What is your favorite part about working for Olliv?

My favorite part about working at Olliv is the work hard and play hard environment. We all finish what needs to be done, and we allow ourselves to have fun after. There are days when it's super busy, but we still manage to troubleshoot any obstacle in our way.

What question do you get most often, and how do you answer it?

The question I get asked most often would be, "Can I get a receipt, please?" or "Is this ATM working? " In which case, I use our database and software to text the customers their receipts and check the status of certain ATMs.

Evaristo H. -

What excites you about working in crypto?

The things that excite me the most about working in crypto are the leaps and bounds going on in the cryptocurrency industry over the last year. People are waking up to seeing crypto's bright future. Being a part of a company that is leading the industry is truly remarkable. I am glad to be on the frontlines with customer support, educating the public on what cryptocurrency offers.

What is your favorite part about working for Olliv?

Working at Olliv has helped me fall in love with cryptocurrency. I dabbled in crypto before Olliv, but once I got here and truly grasped what cryptocurrency is, I studied as much as possible. I can truly see that everyone from the top-down in this company has a love for cryptocurrency and wants it to succeed. I started when there were ten or so people in Customer Support and less than 800 ATMs. Now, there are many more people and over 1,900 ATMs. It is still only the beginning. This is not even scratching the surface with cryptocurrency being widely accepted.

What question do you get most often at work, and how do you answer it?

The question I get the most is: "What is Bitcoin?" That is a common question. Bitcoin has been around for a while, but recently more and more companies are publicly supporting it. It has piqued the curiosity of many people wanting to know about it. I am upfront about explaining what it is and how to use it. I always recommend people to do their own research as well, before committing to buying it. I am also keen on utilizing our FAQ and Youtube videos on how to use the machine and wallets.

Mike P. -

What excites you about working in crypto?

This space is going to be so big in the next 5-10 years. Crypto is going to be as big as the internet is now. Money is only one application - crypto solves a lot of real-world problems. Plus, fiat money is losing value so fast. The more money the government prints, the more your purchasing power goes down.

What is your favorite part about working for Olliv?

Olliv is one of the only customer support teams in the crypto space. People need help with so many crypto companies, but there is no one to be found. Plus, all the transactions on a CoinFlip by Olliv ATM are on-chain transactions, which means you get your crypto right away. You don't have to wait 48 hours to a week to HODL your own crypto.

What question do you get most often at work, and how do you answer it?

What is bitcoin? It's network money that is decentralized that you can send anywhere in the world to anyone fast and cheap.

Sign up for a free Olliv account and begin your crypto journey today.